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CANCELLED (2022), 53 minutes


Maria Hassabi’s CANCELLED, a performative work for four female performers, moves within a soundscape that emphasizes an endless lifespan. The choreography utilizes Hassabi’s signature style of stillness and deceleration, and displays representational female poses based on mannerisms throughout history. The use of verticality and frontality create a form of resistance both as a metaphor and as a reality, reflecting on ideas that are directly related to the work’s title. CANCELLED being meticulously crafted, evokes and questions the subtle interchanges of power between subjects.

Performers: Elena Antoniou, Maria Hassabi, Alice Heyward, Shelley Senter
Sound Design: Stavros Gasparatos, Maria Hassabi
Outfits: Victoria Bartlett
Production Management: Eva Theofanidou
Management and Distribution: Something Great




– XING, Arco del Meloncello, Bologna, Italy (7 June)

– HELLERAU Festival Theatre, Dresden, Germany (October 22 – 23)
– Front 2022, Cleveland Museum of Arts, Cleveland, Usa (September 16 – 17)
– Park des Atelier, LUMA, Arles, France (July 2- 6)


CANCELLED was produced by LUMA Foundation and premiered at LUMA ARLES as a result of the Artist-in- Residency Program. It was co-commissioned by and received additional support from FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art, in partnership with VIA Art Fund