SoloShow (November 2009) 58 min
SoloShow, the second work of a diptych. (See Solo for more details on the diptych)
SoloShow, extends Hassabi’s interest in the representations of the female body embedded within art history, pop culture, and the performance of daily life. Staging the movement between sensation and its display, the performer moves beyond rhythm, ideal postures, and coherence as hundreds of images are seamlessly, physically collaged. Playing to the audience on a public-address platform the work is concerned with what the mind already knows by way of images that are disrupted by physicality, a striving for limits, and extended durations.
Directed by: Maria Hassabi
Performed alternately with: Hristoula Harakas
Sound Design: James Lo
Lighting Design: Joe Levasseur, Maria Hassabi
Dramaturgy: Scott Lyall, Marcos Rosales
Set Design: Scott Lyall, Maria Hassabi
Production Manager: Meghan Finn
– City of Women Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Oct 8)
– BOUGE B Festival, deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus, Antwerpen, Belgium (April 28)
– TBA Festival 2010, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Oregon (September 11-14)
– WoWmen! Festival, Kaaistudios, Brussels, Belgium (March 19-20)
– COIL Festival, PS122, NY (January 11-12)
– Premiere: Performance Space 122, NY / Co-presented with Performa 09 (Nov 12 – 15)
“As the viewer, I wonder, I question, I resist, and, ultimately, I succumb. She exerts control over the total experience… She is resolute in her intention, virtuosic in her physical control, but not afraid to slow down, to restrict her palette of movement, and to leave aside easy choices. Hers is a dance that lives between object and movement, a dance that conjures a frame and dares you to resist.”
Time-Based Art Festival, Artistic Director Cathy Edwards, August 5, 2010
Solo and SoloShow are co-produced and presented by >Performance Space 122>, the French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF) as part of their Crossing the Line Festival, the 2009 Visual Art Performance Biennial, Performa 09, and the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art as part of their TBA Festival. Solo and SoloShow have received funding from the National Performance Network Creation Fund, the Manhattan Community Arts Fund supported by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by the LMCC and The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston. The works were created, in part, while in in-Residence at Herberger College of the Arts, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, as well as a creative residency at Performing Arts Forum in St. Erme, France.