LATE NIGHT FUTURE (2002) 22 minutes
Late Night, a span of time that expands, consuming the past and projecting into the future, making it difficult to grasp what is real. Here we enter the world of late night future.
The piece does not tell a specific story. The gestures removed from their original intent are left bare. It asks for a different reading. It becomes about the physical act, the rhythm, the sensation.
Directed by: Maria Hassabi
Performers: Tzeni Argyriou, Maria Hassabi, Hamilton Monteiro, Jeremy Wade
Music: Azores
Costumes: Stelios F Stylianou
– Premiere: Split Stream, Dance Theater Workshop, NY (October 29, November 5 & 12)
“Hassabi’s Late Night Future begins marvelously…and is endlessly fascinating.”
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Deborah Jowitt, November 12th, 2002
Originally commissioned by the Bessie Schonberg/First Light Commissioning program with funds provided by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs